Ande Ki Bhurji - Scrambled Eggs, Indian Style

'Ande ki Bhurji' or 'Spicy Scrambled Eggs' is a quick street food snack that is also eaten at breakfast. The spice of green chillies, the sweetness of onions and the tang of tomatoes along with the creaminess of eggs is a perfect dish to eat with buttered toast or a roll.


4 eggs


2 tablespoons sunflower oil

½ teaspoon cumin seeds

1 small onion, finely chopped

2 green chillies, finely chopped, with seeds

2 tomatoes, roughly chopped, with seeds

A few coriander leaves, roughly chopped


1. Beat the eggs in a large bowl, season with a little salt and reserve. Put the oil in a frying pan, add the cumin seeds and heat together gently until they start to sizzle and darken slightly. Add the onions with a pinch of salt. Cook until soft and then add the chillies and cook a further couple of minutes.

2. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and cook until the flesh breaks down. Then stir through the coriander. Add the beaten eggs and cook on low heat, stirring all the time to scramble them. Take them off the heat as they have nearly set and let them finish cooking in the residual heat of the pan. The eggs should be cooked but soft and glossy. Serve at once with bread.

This dish can be cooked on the boiling or simmering plate of your AGA.

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